Archive for September, 2008

Untitled 17: A Photo Midwest 2008 Show, October 12, 2008

Posted by matt on September 16, 2008

red_speedo_man_hedges_lg.jpgWhat: “Untitled 17” a Photo Midwest Show
Opening Reception: Sunday, October 12th, 2008 @ 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Other Viewing Hours: October 13 – October 31, 2008 M-F 10am – 5pm
a chance to see some of Matt Apps’ photography!
Why #2: You can see other students of Madison photographer, Tom McInvaille
Where: Commonwealth Gallery (Madison Enterprise Center)
Address: 100 South Baldwin Street, Madison, WI 53703
Cost: FREE!

Every other year, Madison hosts a celebration of photography called “Photo Midwest” in the month of October.  This year, I have the privilege of showing my work in one of the exhibits with 17 or so other students who have taken a Master Photography class with Madison great, Tom McInvaille of Studio M in Madison, WI.  Since the style and theme of the show is guaranteed to be all over the map, we decided to name the show “Untitled 17“.

I’ve taken Tom’s class 3 times and the series I’m showing would probably be considered my most ‘successful’, if also not the most bizarre.  A sample (untitled currently) is included above…

Mark your calendars for Sunday afternoon October 12th, 2008 from 1-3pm, the reception is free, and you can see some interesting photography.  I think there may even be some food!

This is my first time showing my photography in a gallery, so I’m quite excited–hope to see you there!

Posted under photos, shows

Gadget Review: Super Talent Pico-C USB 4GB flash drive

Posted by matt on September 3, 2008

super_talent_pico_c_icon_4gb_thumbdrive2.jpgSince the death of the floppy disk a number of years ago, almost everyone I know has seen or used a USB flash drive to move files around.  I’ve broken a few ‘freebie’ drives that I’ve gotten from vendors, so I decided that I needed one that was reliable.  The two main criteria for me are that it can fit on a key chain, and can take some abuse.  I don’t need the thing to have a ton of storage–4GB should be good enough.

It has a strange name, but I finally found this little drive, the Super Talent Pico-C that met all my criteria (it’s even waterproof!).  It was cheap too, at only $16!

Check out my one-take video review of it as well:

Posted under reviews, tech gadgets