Top 50 Android Apps for the HTC Evo 4G

Posted by matt on July 23, 2010

HTC Evo 4G Top Android AppsAfter having the HTC Evo 4G for just over a month, thought I would spill the beans on all the Apps I’ve been using (afterall, Apps is my name…)  While these will likely work on most Android phones, they are all ones I use on the HTC Evo.  Since there are so many good apps, I’m also going to skip the super-obvious ones, like the Facebook, Twitter, FourSquare, etc. apps. If you use those, just get the official one.  (I do use Peep for Twitter though).

First off, i’m a big believer in the ‘teach a man to fish’ philosophy, so one of the first Apps you should get is the AppBrain App Market. I typically use this in place of the ‘Market’ app, as it has what is popular in the last 24 hours, week, etc., and is a nice way to see what good new Apps are available.

Best part about all these apps?  They are all FREE, (unless where noted).  Many do have ads, so if that drives you nuts or you simply want to support the author, grab the paid version (usually just a couple of bucks).  The easiest way to get them is to simply look up the name below in either Market or in AppBrain and then download from there or click the name to get more info on each one.

Also, the ‘Showoff’ column is useful if you want to show someone the power of what your phone can do.

Finally, if you have the EVO, you should do yourself a favor and GET YOURSELF THE EXTENDED BATTERY.  I’ve had this for awhile, and you can heavily use your phone without worrying about it dying at the end of each day!  It’s the best ~$50 you’ll spend.

Note, this is dated 7/23/2010 and are my favorites from around that time.  Without further ado, the list sorted alphabetically:

App Name Category Showoff
Why it’s on the list
.PodKast. Audio/Video   Though many like Stitcher, I use this one or CarCast.  You can quickly set this up to subscribe and watch video podcasts mostly anywhere.
Advanced Task Cleaner Pro Utility   Many of these work well, but this one has ignore lists and auto-kill lists
Air Horn Utility   A handy way to be more annoying than usual. Shopping Yes It’s kind of a hybrid with Google Googles and the Barcode reader… only all built into Amazon search!
AppBrain essential   As previously mentioned, check this every day to see what great apps are out there.
Barcode Scanner Shopping Yes I use this often when shopping… ever wonder if a product is any good?  Why not put the power of a zillion reviews at your fingertips!  The beep makes you think you work in a supermarket.
Battery TimeLite Utility   I mainly look at the % remaining with the widget.  Yes, w/ the Evo, you are more vested in battery management
c:geo GPS   Geocaching app.  While no replacement for a dedicated GPS, this works very well in a pinch.  Also if you forgot to load geocaches lately, this one is up-to-date since it is using the site
Caller ID Faker >:-) Yes It is ad ridden, but actually works.  You put in the number to call and the number it looks like it is coming from.  Even can do wacky voice disguising!  You have to listen to an ad first, and you only get 2 minutes, but worth it to screw with someone
Car Cast Audio/Video   Nice podcast for the car.  Doesn’t do scheduled downloads, but it does have 30 second skip, which is great for podcasts w/ ads.
ChompSMS Messaging   Annoyed you can’t tell the difference between the vibration from an incoming email from an SMS?  Chomp can do custom vibration notification!  (and a lot more)
Compass GPS   It’s a bit old-school, but the compass also has the address on the top to let you know where you are.  Who knows where you are going…
ConnectBot Network   Good SSH Client.  Used by Network Discovery app too.
Dropbox Network   Great, free service (2GB for free) for having files available in multiple places.  Can use it to back up any file from your phone, or a place to put commonly used files from your PC.
eBuddy Messenger Messaging   MSN, Yahoo, AIM, ICQ, GTalk, Facebook and MySpace IM. Pretty much every type of old-school and new school chat rolled together handily!
FreeCaddie GPS, Utility Yes Surprising number of golf courses already loaded! Uses GPS to determine your distance to the middle of the green on each hole. Easy to operate when drinking! It’s accurate, and free.
Fring Messaging   When it gets Skype Video back, I’ll start using it again. Still good though.
FxCamera Camera   Semi-good camera effects. Waiting for these types of apps to improve. Hopefully soon!
Google Goggles Shopping Yes When it works, very impressive way to search for things.  Works flawlessly on books.
Google Sky Map GPS, Utility Yes If you have android, you probably already have this… if you like astronomy at all, this is a must.  Even if you don’t, and someone says to you “what is that bright star right there?!” You can simply hold up your phone, point and say “That’s Venus, dumbass”.
GPS Test GPS   Detailed stats on your GPS, cool map, compass and even tracks speed.
LED Light Utility Yes I like this flashlight app the best, because it uses the dual camera flash.  It also has an easy on/off widget
Lookout Mobile Security Utility   Awesome virus scanner, backup utility and phone finder.  Only a matter of time before it’s no longer free I’m assuming, since it can back up all your photos and contacts daily.  The phone finder works too!  (can make phone start ‘screaming’)
Maverick Lite GPS   Probably the best screwing around GPS program, as you can easily choose from NINE different map sources!  Surprisingly, the Bing maps are excellent.
Metal Detector Utility Yes This is rather pointless, but fun to show people because it actually works!  Good for locating bullets if you’ve been shot!
MicDroid Audio/Video   It’s like a lame version of ‘I am T-pain’. Utility   If you use Mint, the Android app is excellent.  I find it easier to use than their website.
MixZing Audio/Video   This is the main music player I use since there is a nice widget that fits 2×2 on one of the 7 Sense homescreens
MortPlayer Music Audio/Video   Benefit here is that if you don’t have all your stuff tagged (or have playlists, etc.) this can play straight folders which is handy.
My Paper Plane 2 Lite Game Yes Mindless way to show off the sensors in your phone with a mildly fun game
My Tracks GPS Yes Excellent tracks program for running, walking, hiking, etc. Not as powerful, but likely easier to use than ones in dedicated GPS units
Neocore Audio/Video   Benchmark the Graphics on your phone!  Cool little demo too. I get 25fps on my evo currently (probably too much running).
NESoid Lite Games Yes I actually bought this app, since it was cheap and I’m an emulation fan.  Plays old-school NES roms flawlessly.  Controls are actually onscreen, but sort-of usuable.  Too bad the Evo can’t connect the wiimote like other Android phones can.
Network Discovery Network Yes If you are connected via WiFi, useful app to see who else is on the router.  You can then portscan the other machines and easily login…
ONN Audio/Video   Onion News Network!  Finally got their video app on Android. Top-notch parody content.
PdaNet Free
Network   If you haven’t rooted your phone, quick and free tether option that works quite easily.
Peep Messaging   This is the Twitter App I use.  Handy since you can configure it to message you with mentions mobile Productivity   Photoshop on your phone?  Yes!  While you wouldn’t think this is a good idea, you can do some pretty good (but basic) photo editing this way.
Qik Messaging Yes Evo users are likely familiar with this app… be broadcasting live online in just seconds!
Quickoffice Productivity   Edit documents on the go, on your phone.
Racing Live Game   I moved this over from my iPod touch–network based game where you race other users and build up your network, etc. etc.
Remote RDP Lite Network Yes Quick, free remote desktop client.  Nice to be able to hop on your home machine from anywhere.  Works pretty well even over 3G. Works very well over WiFi.
RockPlayer Audio/Video   DIVX!!! Finally a good Divx player for Android (especially the Evo). I can play most any file with this player with no stutter or lag. Free version has a logo, but is manageable (paid is $10…. too much for a phone app, IMHO).
Scanner Radio Audio/Video   Embrace your inner redneck by listening to the police scanner to see if your neighbors are getting DWI’s again
Shazam Audio/Video Yes Many are familiar with this app, but if not, it is quite impressive. Hold your phone up to almost any playing song and it will figure out what it is.  Even works w/ club remixes! speed test Network   Nice quick way to figure out your online speed.
Talk To Me Utility Yes Voice Recognition, then translation into many other languages! Funny if you want to try out your Spanish, German, etc.  Only downfall is, requires network, so if you are in Germany w/ your Sprint CDMA phone, yer screwed (or you need wifi for it to work).
Wardrive Network Yes 8 years ago, this was a super-pain to do anything like this (laptop, GPS, post production to merge the map files, etc. etc).  Now, simply drive around and turn it on!  Too bad most every AP is locked these days.
WiFinder Network   Shows APs, what channels they are using, their signal strength and encryption.  Very handy.
Official XBMC Remote Audio/Video   This XBMC remote is often easier to get around than if you have a keyboard and mouse!  There are 3 versions of this app, but the newly released ‘official’ one is the best. A must if you use XBMC.

Cliffs of Moher HTC Evo BackgroundThose are my 50–hard to believe you could use so many in a short period of time, but many I use daily or weekly. Have some favorites I missed? Too bad, these are the correct top 50.

Just kidding, post below.

Oh, and as a bonus, to the left is the background I use for my phone in the above picture (it is a picture of mine from Cliffs of Moher in Ireland taken a couple years ago).   The HTC Evo has a nifty background since it sort-of scrolls when you move from screen to screen.  Enjoy!

Posted under Android, HTC Evo, reviews, tech gadgets, top 10 lists
  1. Tenny Said,

    Awesome list Matt!! A must have for anyone with an Android phone. My only recommendation would be add some hyperlinks where possible so people get the right apps.

  2. Rorist Said,

    Thanks for the mention Matt :)

    Also I discovered c:geo, which is great. Thanks.

    Network Discovery’s dev…

  3. matt Said,

    Hey Jason, good suggestion–added! (took me awhile to find a good resource that had all the apps… androlib did the trick. Rorist, glad to see you here–your app is cool.

  4. Cory Dzbinski Said,

    You’re missing some critical ones! Here’s some I also suggest:
    Bump – Easy fast & automatic file sharing between Android and/or iPhone devices.
    Easy Tether – Better than PDAnet
    Ebay – of course! (just put all other SM/Shopping here (Amazon,Paypal,FB, FSQ, Myspace,TW,LinkedIN,YouTube,etc)
    WYSE – Best RDP program
    SIP Droid – for those of you with SIP VoIP access 😉
    Appsharers – allows you to suggest apps to your Android friends!
    FCC Test – I like this one better than

  5. Vieth Said,

    Thanks for the tip on AppBrain App Market. Love it!

  6. neil Said,

    No Google Voice? Interesting.

  7. Cory Dzbinski Said,

    Lookout is amazing. Of the 100’s of apps I have installed only took like a minute to scan then all and you can set dates and intervals for scanning. It also has backup of all data (photos, contacts etc) to the cloud AND you can locate your device from it if you ever lose it (similar to Apples MobileMe but free 😉 Plus you can make it sound a siren sound to find it, even if the volume is off…all from the web and it’s all free.

    No Google Voice. Arch enemy 😉

  8. matt Said,

    Cory, I already have lookout on the list… I guess you didn’t look very closely. :) As for Google voice, it’s fine, but I use about 30 min of voice a month. Who cares about voice? Oh yeah, VOIP dorks do I guess :)

  9. Cory Dzbinski Said,

    UGH! I even did a CTRL-F search for “lookout”. In my haste I probably spelled it wrong :(

  10. Cory Dzbinski Said,


  11. Alex Said,

    I think Chomp sms and Handsent pretty much go hand and hand do u agree…try it if you dont have it.. my girl has it on her Moment ( well not she has the new transformer ) and i think they pretty much run the same..

  12. Jessica C. Said,

    I loved your review! I downloaded a few of the apps you had on your list. Thanks!

  13. Kathy H. Said,

    Thank you so much for your insite. I am not a tec. person, I am sure my phone can do things I don’t even know about but with this list of 50 favorites maybe I’ll figure a few more out. Thanks!!

  14. U.U. Said,

    Very nice list!!! Thanks for sharing it. Shazam does a good job of identifying songs; however SoundHound does an awesome job of identifying songs.
    Thanks again for sharing your list!

  15. GadgetLar Said,

    Some of your suggestions worked fine. I liked the thought of Remote RDP Lite, alas, my server won’t accept the settings. I can login fine from my laptop, but not from the EVO. Thanks for sharing the list.. anything that can show up the Iphone snobs :)

  16. Anthony Said,

    I do tech work for “Big Red” and lookout and task killer give me more work than I really need. Don’t install them!!

  17. Dave Said,

    You can now buy extended battery and new back cover at for a little over $8.00US

  18. Marsha Said,

    Hi. I liked that there is a list, but many entries have no explanation for what they do. Thank you.

  19. david Said,

    Hey Guys!
    Nice list thanks for sharing… Would like to add Future Scheduler app (paid) for Android this helps you in scheduling text messages, emails, status update and phone calls. Check it out!!!
    Android Market (Google play):

  20. Michael Hines Said,


  21. Section Chief Said,

    Great job,it’s 5/9/20013 Anyway to get a Up Date ? Thank you so much.
    ps:this phone will not or I’m to dumb to get Flash Player to work,can anyone HELP I’AM running unlimited BOOST 4 G Thanks

  22. Jezabell13 Said,

    You are aaaaaaawwwsome.

  23. Puja Said,


    Can you suggest me good call recorder app for Samsung galaxy S Duos.
    Have tried Auto Call Recorder. It does not work.


  24. techaxle Said,

    These App for Android HTC Evo 4G Design are great. Thanks for Sharing This Article. Excellent Work Indeed.

  25. Angel Fronek Said,

    You forgot to do a couple. Like Zedge, it’s a good app where you can get wallpapers (normal and live) ringtones, games, and even sms tones! It’s a good way to get what you want, and only with a touch to a screen.(: